Thursday, July 18, 2024


This blog is dedicated to the search for the meaning of ḥesed, the key word in Hosea 6:6a, which Jesus directed the Pharisees to "go and find out what this means." By extension, it behooves us to find out what it means as well.

We intend to examine each occurrence of ḥesed in the Old Testament and post observations about it. Some of the posts will involve more than on Scripture passage, as there are several cases of duplication. Each post will address certain key questions that will become apparent. The reader is invited first to read five very short essays as an introduction to this undertaking.

"Learn what this means..." --

The Greatest Gift--

The End of Estrangement --

Notes Toward a Ministry of Ḥesed --

What God Wants --

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Introductory post

Gen. 19:19

  Gen. 19:19 (AV) Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast magnified thy mercy ( חַסְדְּךָ ḥasdəḵā , N-msc | ...